Unlock yOUR Possibilities and allow yourself the courage, heart, and confidence you deserve.
12 week Confidence program!
Give yourself love and confidence. Because you deserve to give yourself more grace and belief in yourself.
Louise Hay says:
“I find that when we really love and accept and approve of ourselves exactly as we are, then everything in life works.”
But are you struggling to see your value and worth in the world? That makes it hard to feel successful in anything. Or maybe your are criticizing yourself all the time with what you are not doing and putting yourself down. That is no way to live my friend! What if there was an easier way to see life? A way that creates more joy and aliveness? Wouldn’t you want that more in your life?
Confidence doesn’t need to be seen as overbearing. In fact, it may be the answer you have been looking for. Because Confidence feels really good!
Trust me, I’ve been where you are trying to manage my family, and keep up on house tasks, and all the things I said yes to. Only to discover how much more I had to do. And not seeing my value and worth in what I was doing. And of course not feeling like I was living up to my full potential as a person.
Well, This is the sign you’ve been waiting for
Things are about to change for the better!

Does this sound familiar?
You feel burned out from the tasks as hand with little support from others. Nothing sounds fun anymore. It all sounds like more things for you to do with little relief. The stress and fear of not getting it all in makes you feel very lonely and isolated.
Frustration sets in as you try to navigate your life with stress and worry about how things will work out. Setting boundaries with grace is difficult. Even finding time for your own self reflection is hard to do.
You think others have confidence all figured out and that you won’t ever get to that level of believing in yourself. Feeling lack of support from your family eats away at your heart. And it hurts that you seem to care more than everyone else.
You find yourself asking how others do life. And why things are so hard for you. You start to wonder if life could be easier and less stressful.
You find yourself feeling that you have more to give, but don’t think you have the patience or energy to spend pursuing something worth while. You feel tired and worn down most of the time.
You find yourself being distracted with electronics or social media to escape your life because you don’t know what to do anymore. You know you could have so much more, but life just seems overwhelming at the moment.
You could find a deep confidence and joy in just being yourself. Letting go of self critical thoughts. And believing in yourself, that you are worthy of love. No. Matter. What.
You could see your true worth as a person. What if you could know that you are amazing just the way you are. What would that do for you? Imagine walking into a room knowing you deserved to be there. Confident. Secure. Knowing who you are. And what you deserve.
Yourself feeling free to be who you are, with no worries about what others think of you. Being able to praise yourself for the good things you do each day. You are finally allowed to be YOU! And love who you are without reservation. You can give yourself as much love and confidence as you can hold!
Finding joy in the moment. Being able to stay present. Finding time to create and enjoy yourself. And knowing how to overcome challenges with ease because of the tools you know how to use.

-Ashley Nelson Amazing Mom, Certified Yoga, Breath work and Sound Coach.
“Julie is such an amazing guide and coach! Her energy is so grounding and she makes you feel comfortable to share and process whatever you’re going through. You’ll leave with practical tools, a wealth of knowledge and a boost of confidence!”
This 12 week self love program is designed specifically for you!
This Course includes:
One on one coaching over 12 weeks, learning skills tailored specifically to YOU and YOUR life.
Simple action steps to guide you to confidence with ease.
Downloadable worksheets to keep you on track each week.
Focusing on the essentials that will actually help you move forward in self confidence.
Let’s Get Real…
Confidence is easier said that done, right? When you are managing your life. You often end up playing ALL the roles. Taking time to love YOU feels forgotten. But this pattern starts to take its toll.
That Said…Confidence Doesn’t Have To Be HARD Or COMPLICATED.
One of the things I’ve learned as a mom of 4 is that confidence can be easy and simple. Using affirmations, and routines that support you throughout your day so you can feel good! Freeing up your mind and body to take on the day. Because when you have a system that works, you don’t need to think thorough it, but just do it. And doing things that feel good is amazing.
Having confidence in place for your day means that even if you are having a crappy day, you can still manage your mindset, mood, and outlook in life. You Still WON the Day! Even if it isn’t going as planned. You are able to adjust to circumstances and life so much easier. Sometimes you just need a little help to get your system in place.
Confidence is the missing piece in mastering resilience without overwhelm
With These Confidence Techniques, In Just 3 months,
You Will Know How To:
Create beautiful affirmations to support you throughout your day.
How to praise yourself and notice your wins.
How to connect with gratitude and feeling good often.
How to forgive and let go of past hurts that are holding you back.
How to keep your agreements with yourself and others to move forward and recommit when you fall short.
Find joy in the moment and have more fun.
Create a loving connection with yourself and end self criticism.
And Maybe Most Importantly…
You Will Feel…
Confident in how you feel at the beginning of the day.
More LOVE for yourself and others around you, especially your family.
Joy and relief with Less guilt, and stress.
Proud of the steps you are taking in taking care of you!
Supported in what is truly important to you.
Sign Up for a Free Consultation!

Don’t just take my word for it…
-Kristin Conk Mom, Writer, and Teacher
“Working with Julie has been possibly the most important work I have done on myself in my healing journey thus far. She has been truly insightful, so encouraging, full of wisdom, and has an incredible wealth of ideas and resources to help. In some of my darkest moments and biggest breakthroughs, it was things Julie said in my head that helped me through. I cannot adequately express with words how much I appreciate the help she has given me.”
So What will we be covering?
Week 1 - Self Confidence
Fill out an evaluation form in your packet before we meet and discuss your personal vision and goals. You don’t have to wait until get well, or lose the weight to love yourself. Begin now and do the best you can.
week 2 - Stop All Criticism
Criticism never changes anything. When you approve of yourself, your changes are positive. We are reprogramming your subconscious to create positive changes.
Week 3 -Mirror Work
Look into your own eyes often. Express this growing sense of love you have your yourself. Forgive yourself looking into the mirror.
Week 4-Support Yourself
Find ways to support yourself. Reach out to friends and allow them to help you. It is being strong to ask for help when you need it.
Week 5 -Be Loving to your negatives
They were there to support you when you needed them. Now it is time to find new positive ways to fulfill those needs. So lovingly let negative patterns go.
Week 6-Be kind to your mind
Self-hatred is only hating your own thoughts. Don’t hate yourself for having the thoughts. Gently change the thoughts.
Week 7-Forgive yourself
Let the past go. You did the best you could at the time with what you knew. Now you are growing and changing and you can live life differently.
Week 8-Take care of your body
Tune in to what fuels your body for optimum energy. Learn about exercise and body movement. Find enjoyable ways to move that sound fun! Cherish your body!
Week 9-Praise Yourself
Criticism breaks the inner spirit. Praise builds it up. Praise yourself as much as you can. Tell yourself how well you are doing with every little thing.
Week 10-Be gentle, kind and patient
Be gentle and kind with yourself. Be patient with yourself as you learn the new ways of thinking. Treat yourself as you would someone you really loved.
Week 11--Don’t scare yourself
Stop terrorizing yourself with your fearful thoughts. Find a mental image that gives you pleasure and switch your scary thought to a pleasure thought.
Week 12-have fun!
Remember the things that gave you joy as a child. Incorporate them into your life now. Find a way to have fun with everything you do. Let yourself express the joy of living. Smile. Laugh. Enjoy!
Plus these bonuses:
Louise Hay’s Book
You can heal your life
and a journal…Just for signing up!

Your Investment in YOU!
Enrollment Now Open
12 weeks of One on one coaching
Learning skills tailored specifically to YOU and YOUR life.
Actionable easy steps to confidence.
Hands on instructions to solve roadblocks fast.
Downloadable worksheets to keep you on track each week.
Focusing on the essentials that will actually help you move forward in self confidence.
How does this work?
1. Hit one of the big beautiful buttons to Chat.
You will have the opportunity to sign up for a free consultation to see if this course is the right fit for you. I want this to be a great experience for you!
2. Once Signed Up, Get Access To Course Materials.
After our call, I’ll send you an email to schedule the next 12 coaching sessions and a payment link to get going. I’ll also send you a packet so you can print out the next weeks action steps.
3. Get Ready To feel Awesome self confidence!
Once your payment is made, be sure to sign up for your coaching sessions. Your bonus course materials (journal and Louise Hays book You Can Heal Your Life) will be on their way to you in the mail!
…And durning our 12 weeks together I will be a text away any time you need support
Hi! I’m Julie
Over the past 8 years, as a certified life coach, I have had the privilege of coaching clients all over the world. I have honed my coaching skills that support my clients in transforming mindset, connecting to their body, and empowering growth. So they can shine bright in the world. And also enjoy the process along the way!
Through coaching, I have witnessed moms finding joy in the journey. Because when a woman believes and has confidence in herself, her whole countenance changes. And then her whole family dynamic improves. There is more respect in their home. More love and connection is created.
I have seen what is possible. And I want that for you too. You deserve to feel empowered, supported and encouraged to live a life meant for you. Whatever that is. There is no right answer. But I promise you, that you CAN enjoy this journey.
I want to help you find more joy and resilience. Confidence and growth. And make it easy. Because growing yourself can be exciting. Fun even!
More than that, I want you to see your true value and worth as a wonderful human. To see what is possible for you.
I created this program because I’ve talked with so many women who wanted to feel more confident, but didn’t know where to start.
The whole point of confidence is so you can feel good! So you can live the life meant for you and have the energy and aliveness to do it.
This 12 Week Confidence Program is designed to do just that! I hope I’ll get to share it with you.
Let’s Shine Bright together!
Because you deserve to Shine Bright my friend!
I am rooting for you! Always!
Love, Julie
This Is For You If…
You hate how you talk to yourself and want something different.
You are sick and tired of putting yourself last.
You need some guidance in how to make self confidence easy and simple.
You don’t have a simple way to believe in yourself so it can be a way of life.
You know the basics of loving yourself, but want to go deeper.
You want to feel confident and good about yourself.
You want to feel more energized and excited for the day.
You are tired of allowing negativity to overwhelm you.
You are ready to learn how to forgive yourself and those around you.
You want the skills to overcome critical thoughts.
You want to learn to be proud of yourself for the progress and strides you are making.
This Is Not For You If…
Are are not ready to take the next steps to feeling confident.
You feel like things are fine the way they are. No need to rock the boat.
You have very little motivation to change or shift your perspective.
You feel like you are doing a good job of loving yourself.
You already know how to change your mindset easily.
You feel good about the way you create a vision for yourself and focus your energies on what you truly want.
You are fine with your negative self talk or self criticism.
You have the support you need to move forward in feeling good in your life.
You feel this is just another thing for your to do list.
You see no reason to change or improve.
You don’t believe that things can change for you.

You Have Questions?
I Have Answers!
If you are familiar with confidence, that is a great place to start. We will begin where you are. This course is customized to fit YOUR life and needs.
This course is 12 weeks long on purpose so you can have time to integrate what you are learning. Take your time with the action steps for each week and be patient with yourself.
You will get out of it what you put into it. Hopefully you will get A LOT out of our time together. But…as with all things, if you are not willing to put in the work, it isn’t likely you will make progress.
If you are disappointed for any reason, I am happy to give a refund for what ever time we were not able to coach together. Your coaching materials are yours to keep. No questions asked.
The bonus course materials will be sent to your address. The downloaded materials will be sent to your email inbox.
Still on the fence?
I want you to be happy with your decision. So if you have any questions at all please feel free to hit the button below and send me a message.