Shine bright with music

I love creating music and sharing it with others. I write music about what gives me hope and inspires me to keep going. I hope these messages can do the same for you and that you can feel the love in which they were made.

Thanks for being here. You inspire me to keep making music everyday. Many blessings to you my friend! Keep shining bright. You are a warrior on the inside. ❤️

You can listen to my latest song on Spotify, youtube, or itunes.

About this album

This album is a reflection of my inner work coming to the surface. These songs are each in the consecutive order they were received, and composed. My influences are new age music such as Enya, as well as Modern Christian. As I went on a journey of self-discovery, song was a part of it, reminding me of who I was and wanted to be. There is Hope, reminded me that we are all enough just the way we are. Warrior on the Inside was inspired by women I was speaking to in a conference and wanted to share how we all have strength inside, we just need to tap into it. Under the Piano was inspired by one of my good friends in college I had lost contact with, but always believed in me. And Just Remember helped me get through a dark time of worry and bring me back to what was true about myself.  Each lyric was authentically chose for the time of life I was in. I hope they inspire you as much as I was inspired to write them.

– Julie Burningham

Julie Burningham’s There Is Hope Reviewed by the bandcamp Diaries

Click Here to See Their Review

Review on The Bandcamp Diaries

Review on The Bandcamp Diaries

Reveiw on Ink19

Reveiw on Ink19

Julie Burningham’s There is Hope Reviewed by ink19

Click Here to See Their Review