Feeling Alone in the mom world?

I remember feeling this way. I felt I was doing it all. I felt forgotten. That I had the weight of the world on my shoulders. And I needed support to see things in a new way. Because I was drowning.

As a mom of teens it is sometimes harder to stay connected to friends. You no longer have play groups, or see other moms as the park or library. As kids get older, we forget to nurture this need for social connection.

But it is so important as moms that we stay connected. So we know and hear others challenges and experiences and can support each other. It builds everyone. These are just some suggestions of ideas and ways I like to stay connected. But they can make a big difference in feelings of loneliness.

#1 Prioritize Social Connection: Realizing this is a need is the first step. Making the effort to stay connect with friends, whether through in-person meetups or online interactions are so important for you to stay connected and feel less alone.

#2. Express Appreciation: One thing I love doing is sharing appreciation. It can be a random text to a friend out of the blue, but sharing, "hey I was thinking about you and I think you are wonderful" will not only put a smile on their face, but will boost your mood as well. It is easy and just takes a few minutes. But it adds so much to life.

#3. Reconnect with Friends: Making plans to meet up for lunch with friends you haven't seen in a while is so rewarding. It gives you a boost with something to look forward to. And when you connect, it helps both of you to strengthen your relationship. As mom's, it's easy to get caught up in the demands of daily life, but prioritizing getting together is essential.

By taking some of these steps, you can begin to combat feelings of loneliness, strengthen your support systems, and find joy in the connections you make with others.

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