Julie Burningham

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Hey Mom friend! Is your negative thinking getting you down?

Here are three of the fastest ways I know of to get out of a negative mindset:

Because I don't know about you, but as a mom of teens, sometimes life can be overwhelming. Why not try these so you feel empowered to make new choices and find better solutions. 

I love the idea of choosing to take in breath. It is always there, easy, and takes very little time. Yet it can change everything. In how we respond. In how we feel. And in finding new ways of being. Breathing deeply allows for you to connect with abundance and inner wisdom. And use your body to support you in making a shift. 

So here is my invitation: 
Take in three connected breaths. Allow your belly to relax so you can go deeper into your lungs. Maybe even place your hand on your belly so you can feel it go in and out. 

What I am learning from the Hendricks Institute are ways to use my body to respond in new ways that support me. They have an integrity card that has an invitation for an action and then a question. 

I can shift from upset to clarity within two to three full breaths. 

Ask yourself: How can I choose and respond freely with full presence rather than reacting automatically? 

Here is a video explaining it if you need more info.

Positive Reframe
The positive reframe is a combination of what I have learned from Tommy Baker at Resist Average Academy and Byron Katie in The Work. This is a tool designed to get you back into a state of clarity, power, and momentum. Write the answers to these questions in notes, or in a notebook to support you to get out of a negative loop. 

The Facts: Here's what happened in my life or family:

The Feelings: Here's specifically how I am feeling about this situation:

The Story: Here's the narrative or story I've created based on the above:

Is this story serving your vision, goals, and targets? Yes or no?

The Reframe: Based on the above, what story could you choose to put you back into a state of clarity and power? 

The Connection: Why is this new story empowering to you?

The Integration: What is one action you must complete within 24 hours? 

The Close: How are you feeling now that you've completed the Re-Frame and have perspective? 

Most of what we believe is because of a story we are telling ourselves that is not true. I would invite you to choose a new story. One that is actually true and allow for answers to come to you that will help you move forward. 

Move your body 
One of the fastest ways I can get into a new perspective is to move my body. One way is through fear melters created by Katie Hendricks who is a dance therapist. You can find more information about them here

What sounds fun or exciting? Let yourself wonder how you would like to move. Allow your body to play and be open to new ways of moving. Dance, go for a walk outside, or do yoga. 

Speaking of Yoga, I offer a yoga class every Monday morning at 9:30 AM in Bountiful at NamaDay Yoga Studio. I would love for you to join me in this heart centered yoga practice where we move energies in our bodies. You will come away feeling expansive and supported. It is a wonderful way to start your week! If you'd like to join this class, let me know. I'd love to see you there! 

Other resources I found helpful in looking at mindset: 
Reactive brain vs creative brain...Julia Colwell Here is a visual explanation of what this looks like.

I use these resources for myself daily and I hope they can be helpful for you as well. 

As always, Rooting for you!



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