New Beginnings

The energy of new times and creation is infectious. But can also be overwhelming when starting new things. I know for me when I try so hard to be more, do more, and I end up being frustrated with the process and it is easy to quit. But going slow is totally different. It feels like grace. And kindness to myself. And when I am in this space, I can be consistent and the changes I desire last. They become a part of me. I feel more me when I do them. So start slow. Start with you. Start with what makes you feel good. What makes you happy. What in this moment would honor you in where you are today? And just focus on a 1% goal that is a small step in the direction you want to go. Too big and too hard is exhausting and doesn't last. Just do something each day to move you forward with ease, grace, and a whole lot of love.

Many blessings my friends! New years can be a time of new steps. But take it slow so it can last all year. Love to you all!


Choose Joy


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