The Critic
The Critic
As I post freely
The critic comes and steals joy
Plants doubt instead, fear
A prisoner born
Loss of hope bound by judgment
Constricted, oppressed
Accepting instead
Lies as truth, dumbed down in chains
Can no longer speak
The critic wins
Greatness to fallen soldier
Loss of self believed
Critic becomes new voice
Heeded out of fear and shame
Don’t risk, locked away
Heeding the critic
Looks safe, comfortable, warm
But harsh taskmaster
Nothing can appease
Cannot speak without judgment
Trapped in self hate
Escape this prison
No longer accept these laws
Listen to true you
The critic won’t stop
Will always give out poison
Up to me to take
Poison accepted
Then chains remain strong, held down
But if rejected?
Can feel peace and joy
Released from can’t, no, bad, worry
True self then revealed
Can breathe, explore, see
Happiness felt everyday
Spread wings, leap, soar high
Never fear critic
Will forever keep you down
Take no heed, reject
Your journey is yours
No one can take if from you
Go, and never look back