Daughter Arise
I recently revisited the story of Jarius’s daughter in Mark. And saw with new eyes what a beautiful story this is. The Savior followed Jarius to his home. And even though the people said it was too late, that his daughter had already passed, the Savior in his mercy told Jarius not to fear, and so Jarius kept faith and moved forward to see what might be possible. If anyone could heal his little girl, he knew the Savior could. And those who were disbelieving were sent out so the moment could be holy. And in that tender moment, those with faith were the ones present. The Savior said Taliah Cumi meaning maiden, little girl, lamb, daughter, damsel,… Arise. Christ came to gently wake her up. There was peace. There was faith. And there was tenderness in how he did it. Such a special moment.
I find my moments when I fall asleep. When I disbelieve in my future and feel discouraged. I forget who I am and who’s I am. And the world seems clouded over and dark. And I pray for relief because I know where I have been before. I know that I have sung the songs of redeeming love, but can’t feel them in this moment I’m in. And in that moment I notice my heart. And I turn to him more. Though I don’t feel changed, I have hope that he will help me.
And then he answers my prayer. Slowly. And ever so gently. He helps me see again His wonderous and deep love for me and I am reborn again. And the energy and light in my life begins to flow. I am inspired and overwhelmed by his love and grace. Like a talisman that has been pulled out, I can see and feel reconnected and realigned. What a relief. And a joy. To sing his praises again.
We all have our moments of struggle, heartache, pain and sadness. We all have times when the world doesn’t seem friendly and it would be better to hide and take cover. But I also hope you know, he knows where you are. And will help you arise again.
Daughter, Arise. It’s time to wake up!