Empty Out
I have been thinking on how to express my thoughts, and a Haiku seemed the best way. The idea of emptying out to make room for more of what I truly want to create keeps coming to mind. Dispense. Let go. Allow. Relax. And release. These are necessary if room is to be made for all that is good. Old ideas, and burdens do not have a place if new creation and possibilities are to be made. My inspiration comes from They Way With Children by M. Shayne Gallagher.
Let go old ideas
To allow for room to move
Dispense the burdens
What once seemed normal
Now feels constrained and choking
Notice to release
These lies are not you
Empty out concepts, desires,
See the space, peace, rest
Find the breath of less
Expectations have shifted
Heaven feels lighter
Wonder limitless
Possibilities endless
Unknown unfolds love
Small movements transform
A gift of being reborn
Waking to wholeness