How do you feel about space?

I used to hate summer. I used to dread the stress of not having a schedule everyday. Space was not my friend, and I would feel depressed and have low energy.


Because I was disconnected with who I was

When I looked in the mirror I didn’t like what I saw

I didn’t like being me

I was burned out and tired

I didn’t know how to connect with my kids

I didn’t know how to relax and have fun

I wanted to escape my life by being busy

Now I love space.

I like to be me

I like who I see in the mirror

I enjoy when plans get canceled and I have some time to myself

I look forward to stillness and having me time to just be

I feel grateful for opportunities to connect deeply with my husband and kids

I love the life I get to live

I look forward to each day

So what has changed?


My thoughts

How I see myself

What I believe about being me

The value I see in myself and others

To realize I don’t have anything to prove

I can love who I am, let go of my fears and truly receive

Do you see yourself in any of this?

Summer is coming. Are you ready?


Embrace Self-Care and Boundaries


Do you fear space?