Stress... We all feel it. But what do you do with it?

This week has been a lot for me. We are having subcontractors come to our house to give us bids, I hosted a birthday party for my daughter's friend, my son and daughter both had to go to Instacare for different reasons, I helped with a neighbor's funeral, we are getting ready for a family vacation, and friends are in town that I want to see before we leave on our trip. It can feel never-ending at times. But through it all, what I have learned is this:

Reconnect to God in Simple Ways

It is in the small moments and intentions throughout the day that I can remind myself of who I am and Whose I am. It doesn't have to be complicated or long. One of the small things I have decided to do recently is to kneel to pray. Maybe this seems obvious to you, but in kneeling, it sets the tone of how I want to show up. I want to truly believe I will be heard and act accordingly. I want to hear, listen, and receive direction for my day. It is small, but I feel my heart being more connected, and that makes all the difference.

I Am Doing My Best

One of the Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz is "Always Do Your Best." When you recognize you are doing your best, it is easier to let go of negative, self-critical thoughts. Recognize where you are. You are not perfect, but you are on the path that feels good to you. Follow it and do your best. You can also recognize that others are probably doing their best. It may not always be what we like, and we can express that, but if it is their best, we can give them some space and work together.

Know Your Limits and Ask for Support

I can say no and let some things go. I can reschedule to make things work better and allow others to take over when needed. Saying yes to everything doesn't serve me. Asking for support from my kids and husband has helped me feel like I am not alone. Allowing others to help, even if it is small, is a huge relief.

Give Yourself Breaks

I love afternoon naps, even if it's just for 10 minutes. I love going for nature hikes or walks around my neighborhood. Reconnecting with God's creations helps me feel more alive. I get little pings here and there of inspiration I can follow throughout my day.

Use Affirmations to Support You

I love to say affirmations out loud in the morning so they can support me. Sometimes, I am reminded of my affirmations at times when I need them because they are top of mind. Then I can act knowing I am supported. Here are some of my favorites: "I am the queen of abundance. I have confidence in me. I have guidance in everything."

Find Peace in Stillness

Even if it is a short time. Instead of reaching for my phone, I can just sit in silence. I can have some space and peace, finding ways to connect with who I am with instead of my electronics. Last night, my son reminded me that I was on my phone too long at night. He also pointed out that there were a lot of stars to look at. So we spent some time on our deck looking at the stars, and he shared some of his thoughts with me. It was a great opportunity and reminder to look around and connect. It felt so much better!

Use Fear Melters

We all have fears that hold us back. That's why I love Fear Melters. This is something I learned from a dance therapist Katie Hendricks. They help me do the opposite of what I am feeling so I can move out of being stuck and frozen and into creative energy and connection. Fear Melters have helped me be free to feel fear and move through it. Here is a video on Fear Melters that explains more.

These are just a few things that have worked for me lately to release stress and move into a more peaceful and balanced place. I would love to hear what you are doing to support yourself. If you could use more support in this area, I would love to do a one-on-one 45 minute breakthrough session with you! You can schedule that here!


Those Old Stories Aren’t Serving you


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