Want more Confidence?

Tap Into Your Feminine Power

You have more power in you than you realize. And it doesn't have to be masculine, overbearing, throw-the-doors-open kind of power. Feminine energy has inner strength that can also be tapped into. Here’s why: feminine power is underutilized, which makes people pay attention to it more. It is finding courage and softness at the same time. It is powerful because it allows us to be vulnerable and connected on a deeper level. This power connects hearts and brings about change on a cellular level.

How Do You Tap into This Power? Here Are 5 Ways:

1. Slow Down

So much of the time, we think we need to do more to keep up, to perform, say yes to everything, and get approval from others. This has to stop. It's time to make yourself a priority.

  • Mindfulness and Meditation: Take time in the morning just for you to sit and take in your morning. Get centered on what is important to you. Release the stress with breath. Allow yourself to slow down and let go.

  • Self-Care: Take time for things that you enjoy and fill your cup. Rediscover and connect with who you are. Go for a walk, take a bath, or read a book that you have been looking forward to.

2. Ask for What You Want

So much of the time, as women, we dumb ourselves down and put others first. But this doesn't always serve us because we end up getting burned out and underappreciated. It's okay to ask for what you want. If you don't ask, you can't get it. People can't read your mind.

  • Communicate Clearly: What is it you need at this moment? Take time to ask with clarity. Practice acting as if you will get what you need, or at least close to it. Express your needs and desires with confidence.

  • Negotiate with Confidence: You know more than you think you do. Make it a practice to set up systems that will work for you and your family so everyone is successful, and you don't end up doing it all. Start with a planning meeting and follow through. Consistency is key to success.

3. Just Go for It

So much of the time, we are waiting for someone else to make the first move into what we want. But the person you are waiting for is YOU. Practicing putting yourself out there takes scary effort, but in the end, you’ll be glad you did it. What have you been putting off that you would love to do right now? It is never the right time. Just go for it!

  • Take Small Steps: What is your big goal? What is one small step you can take today to move yourself forward? Find the smaller actions and make progress each day. Break down big goals into manageable steps. And don't forget to celebrate each win.

  • Embrace Imperfection: It's not going to look pretty. It will be messy. Don’t forget everyone else had to start somewhere. Start where you are and don't let yourself get discouraged. This is a beautiful beginning. Keep going. Allow yourself to make mistakes and learn from them without self-judgment.

4. It's Okay to Disappoint People

It will happen. As women, we tend to be people pleasers. But feeling guilty doesn't have to be something we hold onto. It is a habit, and we can see it differently. I am not saying be selfish. I am saying others' discomfort doesn't have to be your fault. You can't control how others take things.

  • Set Boundaries: Say no to things that are not in alignment and yes to things that light you up inside. You don't have to save or hero others. Just be yourself. Learn to say no without feeling guilty. Understand that your time and energy are valuable.

  • Self-Validation: You can self-source your own worth without seeking it from others. Let go of the idea that others need to approve of you and what you are doing. That is not your problem or business. Approve of your own choices and decisions without seeking approval from others.

5. Practice Courage

So much of the time, we avoid and shrink who we are. But what if you did the opposite? What if you did something new and it helped you grow? How would you feel? When I allow myself to be afraid and do it anyway, it brings an energy and confidence I didn't realize was there.

  • Face Your Fears: What are you avoiding doing that would help you move forward? Take time to identify what it is and what small step you would like to take to move forward. Do the thing! Take action! Follow your intuition and stay focused on your why. Take courageous steps to confront those fears. Stop living small.

  • Celebrate Brave Moments: When we do the thing, it is easy to move the goal post without a celebration. Take a moment to say to yourself, "That was really hard, and I am so grateful I did it. I am proud of myself and what I overcame." This does wonders for how you can feel good about yourself. Acknowledge and celebrate moments when you acted courageously, no matter how small. Give yourself a high five!

6. Find Your People

Who are you hanging around the most? Are they positive or negative? And how do you feel after being around them? Find your people. Those who want to grow, learn, and expand their world as well, and connect with them.

  • Build a Support Network: Who are you drawn to? Find out more about them and connect with them more. Discover their interests and do something together that sounds fun. Go do lunch. Surround yourself with positive and supportive people who uplift and encourage you.

  • Join Communities: Positive communities that you have paid for often provide great support. You can ask people in the group about your specific problem because they are also invested. Online free communities are good too, but paid ones often lead to more commitment and support. Engage in communities or groups that share your interests and values, so you feel supported in your journey.

Remember: You have amazing power inside you. Taking action in your life in just small ways makes a huge difference, especially over time. From this list, what is one small action you can take to build your confidence and see who you truly are? By using this power, you gain more confidence. There is less need to over perform. You can be more yourself because you are self-sourcing your worth. You deserve to shine bright in the world and feel amazing doing it!


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