Yoga is for Every Body

I wanted to share with you this new book I've been reading. It's called Ikigai The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life. by Hector Garcia and Francesc Miralles. It talks about living a good life of connection with others, healthy life style of movement, and a positive outlook on life. One of the main points made is to move the body daily in gentile ways such as gardening, or going for a walk. This includes yoga as well!

"Yoga strives to unite body and mind in the same way, guiding us toward a healthy lifestyle in harmony with the world around us."

This is done:
To bring us closer to our (human) nature
Mental and physical purification
To bring us closer to the divine.

I love yoga and what it has done for me. As I have learned in my yoga training over the past year of 2023, there are many types of yoga and ways to do it. What I have discovered from my own practice is that yoga brings us to our best and highest self. To listen to our body, hear what it is saying. And use our body to release tensions, bring openness, and restore connection to the mind and body together. If this is the aim, then it does not have to be strenuous or physically taxing. In fact, much of the yoga I have done over the past year has been in the form of a greater sense of self. A connection to the heart. And a soul expansion. The more I do yoga, the more I understand myself.

And this is what I want to create for you as well my friend. A way to flow in an easeful manner. To open the mind and the heart together. To listen to your body and the messages it has for you. To allow movement to be a tool to let go of burdens and receive inspiration. To connect to your deepest self, in your heart. This is my desire for you. And as you practice, you can come away with a greater sense of relief, and openness. A greater sense of stillness and confidence to just be yourself. Because yoga is meant to feel GOOD! It is a way that creates greater connection. 

Come practice yoga with me!

I am very excited to announce, This February, I am teaching yoga every Monday! It starts February 5th at 9:30 am at the NamaDay Yoga studio. Here is a link to sign up! And the first class is FREE! I would love to have you join me in connection to your heart, mind, and body!


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