Emptiness in midlife: Navigating the Empty Nest Phase as a mom

As a life coach, I've had the privilege of supporting many incredible women through the transformative journey of midlife. One of the most challenging stage is navigating the empty nest. For us moms we have dedicated years to nurturing and raising our kids. Up until this point, this has been our focus and we have been so good at this job! So this transition to an empty nest can bring about a huge sense of emptiness and uncertainty. Moving forward, it’s essential to see that this phase also holds a lot of possibilities for personal growth, rediscovery, and fulfillment. Dare I say make this phase fun?

Honor Your Emotions and Practice Self-Compassion

The Empty Nest Syndrome is a term often used to describe the feelings of sadness, loss, and loneliness many parents feel when their kids leave the house. While it's totally normal to feel a sense of emptiness right now, it's also important to go gently and begin with self-compassion and a willingness to explore new possibilities.

Feel Through Your Emotions

One of the first steps in navigating the empty nest phase is notice, and honor your emotions that come up. It's okay to grieve the end of a chapter in your life. It is so important to feel your feelings and allow them to pass through you. It’s normal to feel a sense of loss for the role of full-time caregiver. My hope is that you will give yourself permission to feel all the feels here. Because by allowing yourself to feel these emotions fully, you create space for healing and growth.

Ignite Your Passions and Interests

Even so, it's essential not to get stuck in a cycle of negativity or self-pity. Wallowing in despair is not what we are going for here. Instead, view this phase as an opportunity for self-discovery and reinvention. Take some time to reflect on your passions, interests, and goals outside of motherhood. What do you love doing? What lights you up inside? Where is the happiness and fun you would like to create? How could you do it more? What activities have you not let yourself get to because others needed you? Those are the things we want to pay attention to. Now is the perfect time to revisit those dreams and aspirations! Follow the joy and the fun!

Seek Support

As you start this journey of self-discovery, seek out friends to support you. Connect with yourself with friends, family, and other fellow empty nesters. Share your experiences, fears, and triumphs with others who get what you're going through. Connecting with like-minded people will give you encouragement and perspective you need to keep going.

Consider Professional Guidance

Along with seeking support from others, you could work with a life coach who’s focus is in supporting you in midlife transitions. A coach can give specific one on one guidance, accountability, and tools to help you find your way in this phase with compassion and confidence. Together, you can explore your values, passions, and goals, and create a roadmap for this amazing next chapter of your life. I have witnessed so many amazing clients transform their lives because of the support they received.

Embrace the Possibilities Ahead!

Above all, remember that the empty nest phase is not the end of your journey but the start of a new and exciting chapter. This is an opportunity to rediscover yourself, pursue your passions, and create a life that brings you joy and fulfillment. With the right mindset and support, you can navigate the empty nest phase with grace, resilience, and a renewed sense of purpose.


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My Nest is starting to empty…