You are Beautiful

My life coach said to me one day, “you look beautiful today… would you be willing to share more beauty?” This statement surprised me, but as I reflected on it, this was the beginning of a journey I didn’t know was even there.

What did I do to keep my commitment to beauty?

Before getting coaching, I normally didn’t usually buy clothes for myself. I wore the same jewelry, and even slept in it so I could save myself time. I didn’t wash my face at night or make myself much of a priority.

But as I accepted this commitment to reflect beauty, I began finding things that sparked joy. Snakeskin shoes, bracelets my mom had made me, a watch made from rose quartz, dangly earrings with tassels, and clothes that felt fresh and new. Even dresses that felt bold but more of who I was in my power as a famine creature. And even wearing glasses that gave me clarity. Getting facials and washing my face at night felt necessary for my selfcare whereas before, it would have seemed over the top. I found scents that reflected me, in lotions and perfumes. I began to walk differently, taller, with more confidence. I felt energetically that things were changing inside me because of my commitment to reflect the beauty I felt inside. All in a process of expressing myself in the world and who I wanted to be. I had forgotten. But could remember better by my choices of what I put on everyday, who I was, and how I wanted to show up.

It wasn’t about buying worldly things. It was about allowing the inner work I was doing reflect from the inside out in ways that could be more in alignment with who I truly was and how I wanted to show up in the world. And I was willing.

As Mariann Williamson has said “We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn’t serve the world. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.”

This could be you too. It doesn’t serve the world to be small, to shrink or to put yourself last. As a life coach, one of my favorite things is seeing the light inside grow as my clients step into their own power of who they truly are. As they honor themselves, they become brighter and more alive. They reflect the beauty that is already there and let themselves shine as bright as a sunflower.


A Transformation


Be Directed by Him